Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bliar, Bliar Pants on Fire!

I read my last blog entry to MJB, he laughed at all the things I wrote about intending to do,and then didn't do them. Then he called me a "bliar", (definition: one who says they are going to do something in a blog entry, and in real life does not). So in an effort to curb my "blying", I will try to only write of things I have done, and not of the things I plan to do.

Over the last 2 days I have cut out sugar, cut way back on carbs and portion sizes, and limited my snacks between meals. I am drinking plenty of water, and not snacking at night (my worst habit by far). I have walked a few times, but mostly just taking the kids to school. I did not go to broom ball last Wednesday, who am I kidding 9pm is just way to late for this cat to play a sport, I am so not sportificated (Definition: one who lacks skills and ambition to participate in sports activities)! I am going to try to make it a few times this season, but I need to get in better shape first. I can barely walk let alone run on ice!

I have started a points system with the kids, they get a point every time they do something I ask without a fuss or being told twice (or eighteen times). On the 20th of every month they get to cash in their points for money, 10 cents for each point. So far it looks like I won't be breaking the bank with this system, but time will tell, my fingers are crossed.

I talked to MJB about instituting a family cleaning day on Sundays, do a whole once over the house. That way I can tidy throughout the week to keep it up. He's into it and I hope it becomes a ritual. I know a couple other families who do this, and it works great for them. What I wouldn't give for a Monday morning where it doesn't look like bomb went off in this place!

I went through all our jackets and shoes and have 2 garbage bags full of stuff, one to donate, and unfortunately the other to trash. I think a big part of the reason I don't purge our house of the unnecessary clutter is because I feel guilty that it's going to end up in a landfill. One way or another that's where it will go, so better now than later I suppose. I really want to start being conscious of the things I am buying, by quality over quantity, and more of the things we need and less of what we want. We generate so much garbage and most of it is avoidable. It is so important to think and live a little greener, because we should and we can.

I am wearing purple today. This signifies that I am not okay with homophobia, that I believe we need to plant seeds of empathy, compassion, and a strong sense of self worth in the generations of tomorrow, because no one should be ashamed of who they are inside or out. I am doing my best to make sure my kids are not on the throwing side of the punch. That they are there to stand up for the little guy because they know it's the right thing to do, because they truly care, and that they know they have a network of family and friends that will love them unconditionally.

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