Friday, November 26, 2010

Little Baby Bunting...Daddy's Gone A Hunting.

You wouldn't believe me if I wrote it, but a picture is worth a thousand cupboards are clean and organized! 
I just want to revel in that for a moment...ahhh.....

Man does it feel good! We got rid of a full garbage bag worth of junk in the process. I need to tackle the kids toys soon, Christmas is coming, and every year we go through and get rid of all the broken toys, and donate the one's that are still in good shape but the kids are tired of. Plus with Mr.Puppy in our future the less clutter for him to chew on, the better!

I also went and paid for air to blow up my tire, it seemed to be getting worse, and I put it off long enough... I put in my loonie, while I waited for the compressor to start up, I noticed a little sticker on the machine, that said "HST Included", are you efff ennn kidding me with this? The government is taxing us on pressurized air? Don't mistake my disgust for this particular air pump tax for me being against HST though, I really don't see what the big deal is. It's just GST and PST combined, and it's now on a few more things than it was previously. Like haircuts and dining out, so unless you have the money to go out and do these extras more often, you really aren't being taxed that much more. Wouldn't a person rather we are taxed more on what we buy and less on our income? I think that's the best way to approach it. I understand and feel the frustration of being blindsided by a government who said they'd do one thing and then did another. Po"lie"tics at it's finest. Regardless...I think taxing us for the air in our tires is a bit extreme....or maybe I am just pissed that I had to stand in the cold for 5 minutes filling up my tires, and I forgot to wear gloves?

MJB is going away for a hunting trip this weekend. So it will just be Spaceman, Hunny, I, since it's not our weekend with Roonie. It sucks when MJB or I have some out of town trip planned and we have Roonie, then whoever is gone misses out on a big chunk of time with her. It's nice when it works out to be on a weekend where we don't have her, like this one. MJB hasn't shot anything this year, so this is his last ditch effort to bag a White Tail before the season ends on Tuesday. I never used to eat wild game meat, I felt like wild animals were too majestic, like I wouldn't eat a horse or an eagle, but I'll eat a cow or a chicken. The logic behind that is so backwards, an animal is an animal, meat is meat. We are just conditioned to be okay with eating farmed animals. If it weren't for the taste and texture of meat, I could easily be a vegetarian. I am cool with hunting and eating game meat now. I see how well it is regulated, how respectful MJB and his hunting pals are of the animals and their habitat. MJB is trying to learn to tan the hides now, and he uses the antlers to make handles for the knives he makes. (oh ya, he's a real back woods version of Martha Stewart) We really do try to use as much of the animal as we can. Not to mention the health benefits of eating wild, I know where our meat comes from, what it ate, and how it was cleaned and butchered, I can't say that about most grocery store meats. So for our empty freezer sake, I hope he bags a big one this weekend, and has fun on his weekend away.

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