Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Familyship and Friendship.

Today we are going to get Wal-Mart photos with Roonie and her sisters today, there are 5 kids in total, Roonie, her 2 sisters from her other house, Spaceman and Hunny. It was Roonie's Mom's idea, she wanted to get pictures of her 3 girls, and invited us along since it is our day with Roonie, and it will be fun to have a picture of her, and her 4 siblings, even if they are from two different households. I am very happy to say, that we have a great relationship with Roonie's Mom and her other Dad. I know not all split situations are the same, I am so thankful for the ease of our situation, for Roonie's sake above all else.

Family, and friends. My two most prized possessions in life. I have such a good relationship with my family, they are not just my family, they are my friends. Our bond is bigger than genetics and circumstances, we genuinely like each other, and always will. We have had fights, and suffered great losses together, and still we stand strong together, there is nothing that can shake us, or break us apart, I love my family unconditionally. 

While family is one thing, friends are totally different, because they are chosen from the beginning. Friendship is very special because it is a lifelong commitment that needs to be kept up, when you have friends worth that up keep you know it, and it is one of the best feelings in the world. There is an unspoken bond between real friends, and no matter how much time, or what's taken place over the years, that bond is forever. I am lucky enough to say I know that love, and am privileged to have the friends in my life that I do. Through all the yesterdays, todays and tomorrows, my friends are always there for me, as I am for them. I suggest to all of you to reach out to your true friends, make a point to be with them as much as you can, because they are a reflection of everything inside of you that is good, they mirror all the things you were, and all the things you will be. The more you are with them, the closer you are to yourself.

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