Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Laughing with Friends = Couples Therapy.

Some hellish virus has entered my system and left me feeling terrible, none the less I am holding true to my new healthier eating plan. I am proud to announce a 7lb weight loss so far, with hardly a cheat or a slip up to report. I think putting my progress out there,(and the person who stares back at me from the mirror who does not at all reflect the person I am inside), is keeping me motivated. Whatever it is I hope I don't lose it, because after all these years I'd love to love my body. I am going to take some before shots and post them here on my blog. Then in a few months time I'll take new ones and post them, and hopefully there will be some "changes" to see.

I have been trying my darnedest to keep the house tidy, but try as I may "something(s)" always comes along and messes it up behind me. I mean I could build a mountain out of the stuff I sweep of the floor every week! The points chart has been working well with the kids, and while they are still my mess monsters, they are trying a little harder to help out. What more can I ask for I suppose? They're kids, and at the end of the day when I kiss their sleeping faces, I love and appreciate everything about them. The messy, the noisy, with potatoes in their ears and all.

MJB and I had a fun night out on Saturday at an early Halloween party (without the kids), and I can't believe he stayed out past 11 o'clock! He likes to get a good nights sleep, and I don't blame him, but in the moment I usually choose more fun and festivities over sleep. Then MJB goes home without me, and I dance the night away. This night though, we went home at the same time, not too early and not too late for either of us. We need more nights like that, and fall is the perfect time for fun nights in with good friends. Those little things bring MJB and I closer together, seems like laughing with friends is like therapy for our relationship.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bliar, Bliar Pants on Fire!

I read my last blog entry to MJB, he laughed at all the things I wrote about intending to do,and then didn't do them. Then he called me a "bliar", (definition: one who says they are going to do something in a blog entry, and in real life does not). So in an effort to curb my "blying", I will try to only write of things I have done, and not of the things I plan to do.

Over the last 2 days I have cut out sugar, cut way back on carbs and portion sizes, and limited my snacks between meals. I am drinking plenty of water, and not snacking at night (my worst habit by far). I have walked a few times, but mostly just taking the kids to school. I did not go to broom ball last Wednesday, who am I kidding 9pm is just way to late for this cat to play a sport, I am so not sportificated (Definition: one who lacks skills and ambition to participate in sports activities)! I am going to try to make it a few times this season, but I need to get in better shape first. I can barely walk let alone run on ice!

I have started a points system with the kids, they get a point every time they do something I ask without a fuss or being told twice (or eighteen times). On the 20th of every month they get to cash in their points for money, 10 cents for each point. So far it looks like I won't be breaking the bank with this system, but time will tell, my fingers are crossed.

I talked to MJB about instituting a family cleaning day on Sundays, do a whole once over the house. That way I can tidy throughout the week to keep it up. He's into it and I hope it becomes a ritual. I know a couple other families who do this, and it works great for them. What I wouldn't give for a Monday morning where it doesn't look like bomb went off in this place!

I went through all our jackets and shoes and have 2 garbage bags full of stuff, one to donate, and unfortunately the other to trash. I think a big part of the reason I don't purge our house of the unnecessary clutter is because I feel guilty that it's going to end up in a landfill. One way or another that's where it will go, so better now than later I suppose. I really want to start being conscious of the things I am buying, by quality over quantity, and more of the things we need and less of what we want. We generate so much garbage and most of it is avoidable. It is so important to think and live a little greener, because we should and we can.

I am wearing purple today. This signifies that I am not okay with homophobia, that I believe we need to plant seeds of empathy, compassion, and a strong sense of self worth in the generations of tomorrow, because no one should be ashamed of who they are inside or out. I am doing my best to make sure my kids are not on the throwing side of the punch. That they are there to stand up for the little guy because they know it's the right thing to do, because they truly care, and that they know they have a network of family and friends that will love them unconditionally.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

33 Reasons to Appreciate Life.

We spent a good portion of our evening watching the news coverage of the 33 Chilean miners being rescued after being stuck over 700 meters underground for 69 days. They were discovered 17 days after they were presumed dead from the mine collapsing. Officials were able to send down clean water, food, and other small supplies. But due to the nature of where they were underground rescue was not possible, until now. Watching that first man come to the surface brought tears to my eyes, and a warmth to my heart. In that moment I saw the good in man kind, was in awe of the strength, courage, and faith of these men, and above all I was grateful to see a happy ending, as they fall few and far between in the news these days. So today when I am tired of housework, when my kids are driving me nuts, and I am trying hopelessly to find matching pairs for all the socks around here... I will remember the look on those men's faces, because they came up from hell with that smile of pure happiness and gratitude, to live another day with their loved ones.

I am spending this entire day at home, cleaning, organizing, and de-cluttering. I have done really well at keeping my sink free of dirty dishes, I have gone to bed with a clean sink more times than I haven't. I am drinking more water, but still need to make it a habit to drink at least 2L a day. And I have failed miserably not eating after 7pm. So I am still working on these mini goals, and I plan to keep on working at them until they become second nature to me. In an effort not to overwhelm myself I am going to hold off adding any more of these goals for now, aside from extending the last goal to no eating or drinking (anything but water/tea) after 7 at night.

Tonight I'm going to broomball (google it), it is a fantastic work out, and a lot of fun. It happens every Wednesday at 9pm (that's the only draw back for me, since I am ready for bed by then most nights). I plan on going to broomball, doing one yoga class a week, and hopefully going for a walk 2-3 other nights during the week. I am SO out of shape, it hurts to get out of bed in the morning, and I have zero muscle tone anywhere (well maybe a bit in my arms from lugging my 4 year old Hunny Buns everywhere), tonight is going to hurt. I seriously wish I could wake up tomorrow fit, toned, and 40 pounds lighter, I promise I'd take care of myself from then on... but like they say, nothing worth doing is ever easy.

***Check the news if you haven't seen any of the Chilean miners rescue yet, last time I checked 13 of the 33 men had been lifted to safety.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Thanks for the Potatoes.

Life is a combination of ups and downs, and the times in between. Some downs are worse than others, but one thing always rings true, the only way to go from down is back up again. People become discouraged in these low points in life. Often becoming stuck or lost. What I tell myself when I am feeling consumed by a bad situation, is that one day, in the near future, things will be different, time brings change, and new situations. Today is Thanksgiving, and I am thankful for where I am on the roller coaster of life.

My parents celebrated their 29th Anniversary yesterday. (Which, by the way, means that my 29th birthday is 9 months away, wedding night baby much?!) 29 years of marriage, I have yet to find out just what it takes to make a marriage last that long, I don't even know if my parents could out right tell you how they made it. Day by day, year upon year, ups, downs, and a whole lot of in betweens, they always cared about each other enough to stick it out. Now in their years without kids at home, when they don't have to live pay cheque to pay cheque, they can sit back, pat themselves on the shoulder and know that the hardest parts are over. If they made it this far, they can make it through anything. I am thankful for the example they have set.

I went out and dug through the last of the garden crop. Our trip to Whitehorse this summer left our garden without water for 2 weeks (damn timer on the irrigation) we lost almost everything, and it was going to be a great crop this year. MJB is always in charge of the garden, I seem to make green things turn brown very fast. There is something truly amazing about growing your own food. So tonight along with all the other things I am thankful for right now, I am thankful for the purple fleshed potatoes, the carrots, and dill that came from the dirt in our back yard, and will be on our plates tonight.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

To Spaz Or Not To Spaz..

Is it some sort of "rite of passage" for every little girl to wrap her hair around a comb? It's down to the last 20 minutes before we leave to take Spaceman to school and Hunny runs up to me with a comb wound in so tightly to her hair that I contemplate cutting it out. Someone once said (on Oprah, I don't remember who), "you can tell a lot about a person's character by the way the untangle their Christmas lights" (in my case, Hunny's hair). The fly on the wall would tell you, that at first I had a conniption fit, but then I remembered to breath, and calmed down enough to untangle the mess with only a few strands sacrificed to the mission. I don't know what that says about my character, but I suppose the fact my daughter is not walking around with spikes for bangs speaks volumes.

Last night for dinner I made chicken breasts, acorn squash, and a spinach salad. MJB usually never finishes his chicken, it's always too dry. So in an effort to prove I can cook a decent meal, I made a creamy mustard dip (remind me to tell you all about my mustard phobia, for those of you who don't know all about it), and by golly he finished every last bite! It's funny that I am finding tricks to get my husband to eat his whole meal, isn't that typically something reserved for your children? Well if you've seen my husband, you know he needs every last calorie I can get into him. What I wouldn't do for his metabloisim!

This week I am making some small goals for myself, baby steps if you will. 3 things, I can not go to be with dishes in the sink. I must drink 2L of water a day, and no eating after 7pm. Next week I'll add 3 more.
I am realizing that quite a few people have been reading, and much to my surprise, enjoying my blog. So to those of you who are, thanks. I quite like putting my thoughts into words, and while some of my plans sound better in writting than they do when it comes to me executing them, I am trying to hold myself accountable, and I will have some progress to report sooner than later.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hello 6:30am! I hate you!

Now that MJB is in school we only have one vehicle, his work truck is still needed on the job out of town. So I either have to let him use the car, and I walk the kids to school, or we all get up early and drive him. Just goes to show how much I hate physical activity when I choose to wake up almost and hour earlier everyday, just so I don't have to walk, and I LOVE my sleep! In my defense, walking also includes carrying Hunny for 15 min each way, since she refuses to walk on her own after 10 steps. I mean she's light enough at first, but after a while it's like carrying around a baby elephant.

MJB wanted to use my laptop for school everyday, I would have let him, because he said it would mean less homework after school, but I was not looking forward to my "slow as molasses and going to be smashed someday soon" computer in the basement. I love getting up in the morning, sitting down at the island in the kitchen, and having my coffee while I check out the newest Facebook goin's on. And well, this laptop, it's just so pretty, and fast, and the first thing I've bought for myself that cost more than $20, in a long long time. So thankfully his boss had a netbook he could borrow while he's in school. Problem solved. Pffew!

With Daddy home, things are changing up a bit, he is trying to get them straightened out, helping out more, keeping their rooms clean, and listening better. I should be happy about this. All of a sudden though, I feel like every time he disciplines them, that he is judging me as a Mom, and in a round about way scolding me while he's scolding them. Totally backwards, and not the case at all. He's just trying to help, and make things easier around here. The thing is though, no matter what I do, I am the Mom, and they do not listen to me like they listen to him, it's just a fact of family life. So I need to stop taking it personally, look at it for what it is, and hopefully things do run a little smoother around here.