Monday, March 5, 2012

128 Days.

"If you build it they will come..."....or in my case "If you live it...they will go". I am talking about the pounds I have been carrying around with me unnecessarily, the 20 (and after some crazy weeks of recklessness 30) pounds I need to lose to be back to my pre-baby weight. Yes, it has been a long time since pregnancy, but as we Moms know, time flies. Ultimately I'd like to lose 40lbs, but for now, it's time to get back to pre-kids weight, and then decide where to go from there.

Time and time again I have fallen victim to my internal anti-will power, listening to it's promises of... "this one bowl of ice cream, or extra helping of scalloped potatoes won't make or break your waistline". Earth to was lying, because day in and day out that one (or 5) innocent indulgence(s), are exactly where my weight problem lies. I have tried and failed too many times to count, I have declared my commitment over and over again only to find myself standing still. Feeling guilt and defeat all the time. I do realize that every failure brings me one step closer to the time I succeed. I see that I am learning about myself, my limitations, and my strengths. Which is exactly the experience I need to know what it is have have to do. Time to stop going around in circles, the only way to go is forward.

For those of you wondering what my game plan is....

I will be getting up when my alarm goes off, not hitting snooze 3 times, and talking myself into sleeping longer instead of showering in the morning. I will eat breakfast, a smoothie or oatmeal (I will post recipes). I will drink a lot of water. Lunch will always be light and healthful. Snacking will be cut down to a minimum and only when I am hungry, not because it's been scheduled in. I will choose my meals as they come, dinner being the exception, no more planning the days food out ahead of time. I have learned that does not work out well for me, because then I over think food, I obsess about when and what comes next. It's AWFUL. My dinner portions will be cut in half. My number one worst habit is night time snacking, so I will do my best to stop eating after 7pm.

I will to walk to pick up the kids everyday, weather permitting, and walk/jog/run for an hour 3-4 times a week. I will attempt to do 50 crunches every morning when I wake up, I will have time because I'll be waking up half and hour earlier, right?! I will always clean the house with the music on...for one, house cleaning sucks, and music makes it better. For two, I get inspired to bust a move to certain songs, and that my friends, helps my in my fight to "move more".

This all seems like a lot, but they as a whole are just minor alterations of how I go about my day... things I have been able to do before, and know I can do again. I have a vision... and I am going to start living it now.

I am healthy, I am strong. I eat food for nourishment, to feed my body, and on occasion my soul. I am active, I do crunches, I dance, I run, sometimes I do yoga, I take my dog for daily walks, I play guitar. I feel great, and look amazing. I make my husbands jaw drop. I set a healthy example for my kids, I inspire others to do the same... Watch me prove it.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The BC Government Needs to Sit Down and Watch a Few Episodes of 'Til Debt Do Us Part!

In any home there are expenses. I'm going to put them into two simple categories. There are other expenses as well, but for the sake of my argument today I am just going to focus on needs and wants. We have necessary services and items that are integral to our survival, mortgage/rent, food, heat, power, the needs or things we must have. Wants are the things we don't need, but like to have, they make life more comfortable and easy, cable TV, internet service, gym passes... how much do you use it anyway right? When times are tough, like now, we as heads of our household, need to cut back on the wants, so we can focus on the needs. We find a way to make it work, we pick up extra shifts or work late, we drop the gym pass, and quit eatting out... Life gets a little harder, but you learn to live without the extras. You learn what is truly important in life.  When there are extra funds you can take back a few of those luxuries

Dear Government of British Columbia... Education is a need, and you are treating it as though it is a luxury item. I know there are places you could be cutting back spending to make up for the lack of funding in our public school system. I have seen some government programs that are completely superfluous and in my opinion an outright squandering of tax payers money.  I don't claim to have all the answers, I know it is no easy task balancing the needs and wants of an entire province. Sorry, but if we little guys can get it done in our homes, why can't you? You may think large class sizes and composition of classes do not have a big impact on each child individually, and may be they don't. But as a whole you are making the choice to hold back entire generations of children for Cut the fat, look at your budget again, find a way to make it work. The children of today and tomorrow deserve the best chance they can get. Closing schools and cramming our children into classrooms like sardines is not the answer, and should have never been an option. Start acting like the head of the household and make it work!

As British Columbians, we are walking a very thin line on a twisted kind of dictatorship here, last I remember we live in a world where we can speak up, be heard, and make a difference. Where our opinions matter. Where change is meant to be for the better, not taking a step backwards. Please support our teachers and their mission to make the future brighter. To those in opposition of the BCTF's actions, take off your rose colored glasses and think for a minute about what is really happening here. If the government bullies the BCTF to give up, refuses to make any changes, and continues to bulldoze the foundation of our education system, what's next? Don't knock the teacher's for fighting for these changes, they are fighting for something we should have never lost in the first place...