Friday, November 26, 2010

Little Baby Bunting...Daddy's Gone A Hunting.

You wouldn't believe me if I wrote it, but a picture is worth a thousand cupboards are clean and organized! 
I just want to revel in that for a moment...ahhh.....

Man does it feel good! We got rid of a full garbage bag worth of junk in the process. I need to tackle the kids toys soon, Christmas is coming, and every year we go through and get rid of all the broken toys, and donate the one's that are still in good shape but the kids are tired of. Plus with Mr.Puppy in our future the less clutter for him to chew on, the better!

I also went and paid for air to blow up my tire, it seemed to be getting worse, and I put it off long enough... I put in my loonie, while I waited for the compressor to start up, I noticed a little sticker on the machine, that said "HST Included", are you efff ennn kidding me with this? The government is taxing us on pressurized air? Don't mistake my disgust for this particular air pump tax for me being against HST though, I really don't see what the big deal is. It's just GST and PST combined, and it's now on a few more things than it was previously. Like haircuts and dining out, so unless you have the money to go out and do these extras more often, you really aren't being taxed that much more. Wouldn't a person rather we are taxed more on what we buy and less on our income? I think that's the best way to approach it. I understand and feel the frustration of being blindsided by a government who said they'd do one thing and then did another. Po"lie"tics at it's finest. Regardless...I think taxing us for the air in our tires is a bit extreme....or maybe I am just pissed that I had to stand in the cold for 5 minutes filling up my tires, and I forgot to wear gloves?

MJB is going away for a hunting trip this weekend. So it will just be Spaceman, Hunny, I, since it's not our weekend with Roonie. It sucks when MJB or I have some out of town trip planned and we have Roonie, then whoever is gone misses out on a big chunk of time with her. It's nice when it works out to be on a weekend where we don't have her, like this one. MJB hasn't shot anything this year, so this is his last ditch effort to bag a White Tail before the season ends on Tuesday. I never used to eat wild game meat, I felt like wild animals were too majestic, like I wouldn't eat a horse or an eagle, but I'll eat a cow or a chicken. The logic behind that is so backwards, an animal is an animal, meat is meat. We are just conditioned to be okay with eating farmed animals. If it weren't for the taste and texture of meat, I could easily be a vegetarian. I am cool with hunting and eating game meat now. I see how well it is regulated, how respectful MJB and his hunting pals are of the animals and their habitat. MJB is trying to learn to tan the hides now, and he uses the antlers to make handles for the knives he makes. (oh ya, he's a real back woods version of Martha Stewart) We really do try to use as much of the animal as we can. Not to mention the health benefits of eating wild, I know where our meat comes from, what it ate, and how it was cleaned and butchered, I can't say that about most grocery store meats. So for our empty freezer sake, I hope he bags a big one this weekend, and has fun on his weekend away.

Monday, November 22, 2010

An AIR Fare?

You know it's going to be "one of those days", when you drop the old coffee filter full of wet coffee grounds on your floor in the morning. I don't know how many times this has happened to me. You think I would learn, and come up with a strategy of getting the filter to the trash without any mishaps (because it's not brain surgery) . It's cold out, my house is in post weekend disaster mode, I'm just miserable as it is. To top it all off with a nice little cherry, my rear left tire was almost on the ground driving the kids to school this morning, and when I went to get air, I realized that they have decided to start charging for air (are you kidding me??), my kingdom for a loonie! I hadn't even looked in the mirror before leaving the house to take the kids to school, and when I looked in the rear view to see if I was presentable enough to go exchange my nickels, dimes, and quarters for a loonie, I saw a haggard version of myself, mascara rings under my eyes, hair all a tizzy. I wasn't going in anywhere for anything. So I drove home. I'll pump it up with a bike pump. $1 for air. Eff that.

Now that I've got that out of my system it's time to change the tone of my day. I have so much I want to get done, and nothing good will come of it if I keep this attitude up. Sheer disaster will ensue. So coffee in hand I vent it out in my blog, leave it here and move forward.

We went to see some beautiful boxer puppies yesterday. I didn't think I was ready for a dog until spring, but MJB set up the viewing with his work friend (who owns the pups), and seems really gung-ho about getting a dog. This coming from a man who never wanted any dogs. I mean he loved Vyce, our first dog, but after some warming up to her. I know somewhere deep down he loves dogs because I found an old grade school project of his, where he said he loved animals and wanted to be a veterinarian, with a very cute picture of him with their dog (who was also a boxer). So "Mr. I don't even like dogs", I see right through you. Regardless, we both agreed on a pup, I think he is just as excited as I am. They aren't available until just after Christmas, which is a good thing, but I am terribly impatient. Thankfully though, I have 4 weeks to puppy proof the house. I'm going to need at least that!

I am going no where fast on my weight loss journey. I have managed to maintain my loss so far, but haven't got that needle to move any more to the left. So it's time to change up the game plan, Christmas is way too close for comfort, not to mention my picture up date is in 9 days, and I would love to notice a difference. Scratch that, need to notice a difference. I can't be too optimistic without exercising yet. Weight loss is a simple combination of taking in less and burning more calories. Why is something so simple, SO hard to execute. Anyone know where I can buy a big bottle of will power?

You know those cupboards and closets I talked about cleaning oh so long ago? They are getting overhauled today, come hell or high water. When my house is clean and orderly I feel fresher, lighter, and at peace. As opposed to the way I feel when it is not. I am moody, I feel claustrophobic, and lost. So with Christmas, and a new puppy on the way it's a perfect time to pull up my socks and find that balance and peace, because I think I am going to need it!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Hurts so Good!

I have discovered a set of muscles down the backs of my legs that haven't been in use since I was 13, just goes to show how out of shape I really am when after a few hours of harvesting wood I end up feeling like my muscles are on fire with every step. That being said, what a great feeling to use those muscles, to be out in the fresh air working up a sweat. I understand how people become addicted to that feeling. Where I fall short is in the execution, I love the idea of a hour long walk with my ipod blaring my favorite music in my ears, the feeling of my heart pumping, and muscles working. I just need to make the time to do it. No time is the perfect time, there is always something else that needs to be done, so I should just set everything else aside for a moment, and just go.

I have been putting more thought into what it is I want to do with my life once Hunny goes to school, and I have no kids at home during the day anymore. Health care is a big contender, but the potential hours are a bit of a deterrent for me. Legal assistant is another way I might like to go, and if I really want to get down an dirty and go to school for a few years I could see myself in a social work type position. If I really sit down and get it figured out I can start taking some relevant courses from home, or even part time in the evenings. Something to start me out, get this old brain really thinking again. It will be so great to have a dual income, and a career outside of the house, as much as I'll miss my babies. I just need to stop being so wishy washy, and set some real goals where my career after stay-at-home motherhood is concerned.

We had a "holiday" get together with my Grandma last night, because she is going to Arizona for the winter, so we won't see her for Christmas. We ate KFC (kinda like a turkey dinner right?), gave Grandma her gifts and watched old home videos. My Grandpa passed away a year and a half ago, it was sudden, unexpected and I felt so helpless and angry. I do not like the feeling of losing a loved one. It makes you ache in places you didn't know existed. The pain of knowing all the moments and memories he will not share with us. I was so sure my kids would know their Great Grandparents for a long time. I believe energy can not be created or destroyed, only changed. So for me he's still a part of this world, only in a form I can't see or touch, but every now and then, in my heart, I feel him. Religion and belief in an afterlife is such a touchy subject, and way to heavy for my lighthearted blog, it's just so personal and individual. The reason I bring it up at all is that there was a clip of my Grandpa video taping where he said to me "love you Shaun" on the video...I felt like he was right there in the room, and I accepted that feeling with all my heart, and said back to him "love you too Grandpa".

Back to my housework, and shakin' it to Florence and the Machine with Hunny Buns. What would I do without good music?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Remember to Remember.

After a whirlwind of a weekend I am really looking forward to our short week. Being that the reason for the short week is Remembrance Day I am keeping in mind the reason for this particular holiday carries with it a responsibility to do just that, remember. It is a privilege to be Canadian, and to live under it's umbrella of freedom, and opportunity. So while I am grateful for the shorter week, I am ultimately grateful to those who surrendered their prime years over to fighting a war for not only their families, and country, but for every family that will ever call themselves Canadian. We owe them a place in our hearts, I know they have one in mine. I am grateful.

I am still holding at 180lbs, I have stuck to my healthier eating for the most part I have had a few more "cheats" over the last week. I have to cut that out if I want this weight loss to keep ticking along. I guess it wouldn't hurt to start exercising. Got the eating less happening, just gotta work on moving more. I've also incorporated a few more carbs back into my diet, which I might need to cut back out for a while. It is so hard for this bread, pasta, and potato junkie. But it really helps move things along when I steer clear of them. What do I want more, a big bowl of noodles smothered in sauce, with garlic bread, and scalloped potatoes on the side...or to look good naked? As much as I love me some potatoes, I'll take the latter.

We have to get serious about Christmas around here. I do not want to be rushing around last minute (like every other year). I thought of doing the bulk of our shopping online, that way I can shop from the comfort of my own home, and get some unique gifts for friends and family. I love Christmas, the smells, the sounds, the food (oh, the food!), and the good times with all the people I love. I bought some apples and cinnamon air fresheners, and that smell alone is getting me excited for the season! I can't wait for Christmas parties, rum and egg nog, Christmas carols, the look on the kids faces as gifts come out and go under the tree. So as much as I hate to see Christmas spattered all over the place already, I can't wait for it to come! Fa la la la la la la la laaaaa!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Animals Have No Money.

Apparently I have a self proclaimed vegetarian on my hands. Hunny has decided she no longer wants to eat meat. We have had flashes of this in the past, with chicken being the main meat that turned her off, I think because it's called chicken, so she instantly thinks of the bird. I asked her why she didn't want to eat any meat, and she said "because the animals are poor". I don't think she means the animals have no money, but that she feels bad for the poor animals. Otherwise I could just tell her the steak we are eating comes from a rich cow! So I will not force her to eat meat, but I won't cater to it either. So like when she asks for salami (not knowing that it's pork), I will just give it to her. I do suppose I need to supplement her diet with iron rich foods, so I have been looking at ways to ensure she gets enough protein and iron, and whatever else it is that we get from eating meat that she won't.

Spaceman has had me stressed to the max these days. I have been up and down, all over the place, trying to figure a way to curb his impulsiveness. He just doesn't put the cause and effect together. He acts long before he thinks about the effect of his actions, and only realizes he's doing wrong once he's being punished. Then in no time he's right back at it, everything goes in one ear and out the other. I have been looking online for positive ways to help him understand and co-operate, and I've found so many instances where mothers are explaining exactly the same thing, like they are describing my son to a tee. In most cases they say it will change as they mature, which I already know, and that it is just a learning process. In the mean time, I will try to help along the learning, by positive reinforcement. If he has more good days than bad days during the week, I'll take him on a Mom and Spaceman date, have a treat and a hot chocolate or something. MJB tells me I'm over thinking it, that he's just a kid, and that he was like that when he was young too. (Ah ha! So it's all his fault!)  Like I've said before, he's so sweet, creative, and funny, I just want everyone to see that side of him. Not the impulsive boy who seems to disregard all the rules and ignore everything he's told to do. I really think he just can't help himself, and that self control will develop all in good time.

This weekend we have Roonie, it's so great when she's here, like our family is whole. It's just not the same around here without her. The other day Hunny went into Roonie's room to listen to her CD player and color at her desk because she missed her. I can't wait to see what the kids are like when they are older, I hope they are all close. I think family traditions and special moments foster those close bonds, and the more time we spend together the better. I know in a few years they won't want to hang out with Mom and Dad, so now is our chance. We are toying with the idea of going camping next weekend. Yes, mid November camping in the mountains. It may be crazy, but might be a fun adventure too. Camping has got to be our most favorite thing to do, I am ready for summer already and winter hasn't even gotten here yet! So while I know (almost certainly) that it will end in disaster, I am excited about the idea of fall camping. Hot drinks around a crackling fire, s'mores, and chilly morning hikes around the lake, that's my idea of heaven on earth. (If it plays out the way I imagine it in my head!) If nothing else, though, it might make for an interesting blog entry the Monday morning after!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Shaunna, Version 1.8.0

Yesterday was Halloween, Hunny woke up and wanted to get into full costume before I even got breakfast on the table! My little girl sure loves to dress up! We carved our pumpkin, got dressed, and headed to the mall for a Halloween Spooktacular, more like a Spook-mediocre, but the kids got a loot bag and we had a good laugh when they freaked out going through the haunted house, so I guess it was worth it. MJB might not agree, he looks at me and he says, "$14 dollars, for this, on a day that neighbours hand candy out for free?". Whatever, at least it was warm! The rest of Trick-or-Treating was fun, it's the first year Hunny wasn't begging to be carried to every door, just the last 20 minutes before home, MJB and I took turns, but I still feel it this morning. Maybe it was the 20lbs of candy we had to tote as well? We watched a great home made fireworks show at the kids school, (it is not illegal to watch illegal fire works displays) I do wonder how a couple of regular Joe's can put on almost just as good a show as the City does for Canada Day?! The kids loved it, and in turn so did we. (Then again maybe it was the cup full of wine we lugged around for the walk?)

I have almost lost a full 10 lbs since starting on my newest weight loss journey. I am moving into the 3rd week and really need to find some new foods and recipes to keep this interesting. I slipped a bit this weekend so I have to be really, really good this week. Maybe even exercise a little. Ugh. I have posted a photo of the Nov 1st, version of me (Version 1.8.0, lbs that is). If it isn't motivation, I don't know what is! It`s amazing how clothes make such a difference. Watch for Dec 1st's version, (should be a smaller file size, more compact, and efficient)!

I just can't seem to get a handle on the house, keeping it tidy for longer than a few hours seems nearly impossible. I have never been a clean freak, I have gotten a lot better over the years, but have yet to find my recipe for success. I have to figure out a way to organize myself so that things are getting done as a result of habit not necessity. I am by no means not doing anything all day long, I'm just not a very efficient cleaner, and I break things. A couple of days ago I tossed a t-shirt down the stairs, knocked the light hanging above the entry way , it broke, fell to the stairs bellow, and smashed into a million tiny pieces. Just what I needed, another mess to clean!! One of these days I'll figure something out that works, either that or A and E comes in to film an episode or Hoarders....