One week.
I will be THIRTY years old in SEVEN days, am I dreading this seemingly "HUGE" number? Not really. I am damn proud of where I have come from and gone to in the last 30 years. I am the mother of 3 amazing kids, I am a beloved wife who can truly say she loves her husband. Our house is a home. I have found gainful employment that is conducive to being a mom, exactly what I need right now. My friends and family are genuine and amazing people that I know I will be there for a lifetime. There is so much to be thankful for.
30 is a right of passage, whether you took your 20's to have fun, educate yourself and find a career, or made the choice to start your family young, you should stand in the mirror and be amazed with who you see, no matter what you look like, how much money is in your pockets, or what the world looks like around you. You are officially moving into adulthood, as far as I am concerned. It takes at least 30 years to get well enough acquainted with yourself that you know the right road to take from here.
So as I walk through the shadows of the valley of the death of my 20's, I hold my head up high. Looking forward to a world where my dreams and goals make more sense than they did in my 20's, where my life's aspirations mesh with the person I have grown to be. I feel like a cake that's been baked with all the right ingredients in perfect measure, and that the next 30 years are the ones where I get iced.