Monday, April 4, 2011

A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Action!

Well I am doing some of that exercise stuff. It's a strange new world I have yet to fully explore but so far it feels like a place I might come to truly enjoy. Week 1 down, 31 weeks to go. Wow, when I look at it like that it seems a little on the overwhelming side. So Week 1 down, week 2 here I come. I am really going to try and just make this gym thing a part of my life. The only problem I need to work on is my post work out ravenousness (I had to see if this was indeed a word, and sure enough it is). I could eat a horse and it's baby after working out. I am trying to go four days a week (at least 3 no exceptions), 30-40 min of cardio and 20-30 minutes of weights. Hopefully if I keep this routine up, curb my "snacking", and watch the intake of "libations", by summer I might be able to wear a bathing suit and not feel crappy about it! I turn 29 on July 11th, and I am determined to be comfortable with my body by then, and to spend my last year being a twenty-something year old, proud of how I look. Not embarrassed like I have been, for far too long.

I can feel my life shaping up to how I imagined it would be by now. All the pieces are coming together. With Hunny going to school in September I am able to get a Mon-Fri job and I can not express how good it's going to feel to have a career, a real pay cheque, and something outside the house I can be proud of. A dual income is going to take MJB and I into a much easier time financially, we often find ourselves spread too thin, so it will be very nice not to worry so much about money. Now I have to get into the mindset of finding that career path, and following through. Sticking to something (what a concept!).

I feel excited for things to come, and also a little tentative. Like maybe things won't work out the way I see them, and then I'll be right where I am now. But those are my fears and insecurities talking, and I am strong enough to overcome them, remain positive and stay motivated. One day at a time.

Quote of the day: "I failed my way to success." -Thomas Edison

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